REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR 17th August 2024 - SW Doubles League - SOUTHAMPTON

League organiser & South West Director Richard Thoms invites you to join the SW 2024 Doubles League. This is a great opportunity to test your skills, meet and play with players from all over in a fun & friendly but competitive format. 

As with 2022 & 2023, the league will be alternating venues in 2024. Fixtures will be held in Dorset, Somerset, Bristol & Hampshire this year. Dates and locations as follows (scroll down for the next fixture details):

xxth Nov, Sherborne          xxth Dec, Bristol


Fixture Details: 

Restricted to 36 players, there will be 6 groups of 6 players playing with and against each other to see who can take group honours.

Sat 17th Aug

Venue: David Lloyd Southampton, Frogmore Lane, SO16 0XS

Times: Set-Up/Check In 12:00, Play 13:00 - 18:00

The cost is £20 per person per session.  

We will be following all Pickleball England & League guidelines.











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